When searching for that age-old way of reinventing ourselves through hairstyles, we often look for inspiration from other women around us – either through a premeditated decision to emulate that gorgeous new supermodel or celebrity of the moment – or go into the salon, choose the first style we see from the latest hair magazines and silently hope for the best. But stop for a second, your choice of hairstyle is more important than you think. It can have a surprisingly dramatic effect on how your face appears; in equal measure, the shape of your face can make or break a new hairdo. For example, if you have a round face, it can be particularly tricky to pick out the perfect new hairstyle. But don’t despair, having a rounder face certainly shouldn’t hold you back from daring to go for a style you’ve set your heart on. Many ‘riskier’ hairstyles can look fantastic if they are created in the right hands and with the right attitude. However, if you are unsure of what style to choose, there are a few guidelines recommended by hairdressers far and wide, on haircuts for round-face shapes that might help you to decide on your new look. |
The Three L’s
If you do have a rounder face, one really important thing to remember is the three L’s: keep it long, keep it layered and keep it loose. Long hair instantly makes even the roundest of faces appear dramatically thinner, which is a sure benefit to complement your post-Christmas diet! Having long layers cut into your hair also gives the appearance of more defined cheekbones, creating a more flattering look. However, tread with caution, as layers that are cut shorter than your cheekbones can be harsh and unflattering. Add texture and interest by creating loose waves in the hair (think laid-back Californian style) Do this either by blow drying it or by using curling irons but remember to keep the waves as loose as possible, as tight curls often make round faces appear even rounder. If you are unsure of or hesitant in how to do this, ask your hairdresser to do this after cutting it. You will be able to learn firsthand how this is done by choosing a salon with salon backwash units.
If going long just isn’t your style…
If the longer style isn’t for you, shorter styles can still be ultra flattering; think Rose Byrne at this year’s SAG Awards for an example of gorgeously chic short styles. The rules are again pretty similar to longer styles; by styling the hair in loose curls or wearing long layers, your face will instantly appear longer and thinner. On the other hand, shorter styles cut longer at the front than at the back – reminiscent of the famous Victoria Beckham ‘pob’ – can be flattering as this creates the illusion of length. Shorter pixie cuts can be surprisingly effective in creating a flattering style for round faces. You could take as your inspiration, recent ‘hair hero’ Oscar-nominated actress Michelle Williams. By keeping the front section longer than the back, you will create the illusion of length and can produce a cute, highly fashionable and oh-so-no frame for your gorgeously rounded face.
Daring to be on the fringe
It is a common misconception that fringes (or ‘bangs’) are unflattering on round faces. While a grown-out style does create an illusion of length in the face, this doesn’t necessarily mean a fringe will be unflattering. It’s all about choosing the right style of fringe. A long, straight fringe might be more flattering than having no fringe at all. Alternatively, a side-swept fringe worn at a slight angle will make facial features appear far more interesting and more defined; Reese Witherspoon is a regular devotee of this style.
One final thing…
With all this in mind, please don’t let me put you off going for that style you’ve really craved. Sometimes the most stunning hairstyles have been the ones that break the rules. Don’t be afraid to experiment a little… after all hair does grow out again!
About the author
This guest post was contributed by Leyla Kee-McParlin, a 25-year-old university graduate, aspiring blogger and self-confessed shopping and salon addict. She is currently working on behalf of Salons Direct, one of the leading suppliers of hairdressing and beauty products in the UK and Europe.