9 Free Books To Read To Discover New Authors
Once upon a time we didn’t have eBooks, and we certainly didn’t have a selection of free books to read; however, the publishing industry has changed dramatically over the last several years. With the introduction of eReaders and the explosion of Indie authors onto the...
Stress and the Surprising Link to Breast Cancer
Let’s face it: there are only a few people left in the world who don’t have any stress in their life. This is a factor that is affecting us both mentally and physically, and it looks like there might be a lot more to it than meets the eye. The link between emotional...
Spring Is In The Air
We've had a very mild winter here in Northeast Pennsylvania, but even so I'm ready for Spring! Spring means it's time to start working in the garden again, which is one of my favorite things to do. Unfortunately, my yard is rocky and does not have the best soil for...
Six Simple Steps to Better Sleep
In the UK, one in four of us will suffer from insomnia at some point. Lack of sleep can have debilitating consequences such as extreme tiredness and an inability to concentrate, with these symptoms often leading to anxiety and depression. Mothers, especially new...
Acne And Diet – Foods That Cause Acne Indirectly
No foods directly cause acne, but acne and diet go hand-in-hand. While acne is usually caused due to blood sugar problems, insulin resistance, chronic inflammation, and oxidative stress, many foods disturb these conditions that result in acne. Food alone is not...
Bring Out Your Best Features With Your Next Hairstyle
When searching for that age-old way of reinventing ourselves through hairstyles, we often look for inspiration from other women around us – either through a premeditated decision to emulate that gorgeous new supermodel or celebrity of the moment – or go into the...
Super Cute Pictures Of Dogs
You really must love dogs to truly appreciate just how special they are. Rather than try to tell you with words how unique they are, we decided to share with you some of our favorite pictures of dogs we found on Pinterest. Enjoy! ...
What’s The Deal With Sulfate Free Shampoo?
So what's the deal with sulfate free shampoo and why should you be using it? To answer that question, you first have to understand what sulfates are and why they are used in shampoo. Sulfates, such as Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate (ALS), Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), and...