Ensuring proper diagnosis and medicinal therapy for your child
The U.S. National Library of Medicine qualifies attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, as a behavioral problem that is particularly common in approximately 5% of school-aged children. Oftentimes, non-stimulant Canadian drugs, like Strattera, are purchased at reduced costs from online pharmacies once an ADHD diagnosis has been made.
ADHD is more commonly found in boys and it often shows itself with the following 3 behavioral groupings:
1. Inattentiveness
- Lacks attention to detail
- Easily distracted from tasks or play
- Has trouble listening
- Often fails to follow through–finish schoolwork, chores or other responsibilities
- Finds organization very difficult
- Gets frustrated with task that requires a lot of concentration
- Often forgetful and loses track of things easily—school work, time, toys, etc.
- Has problems concentrating and finishing tasks
2. Hyperactivity
- Overactive or has trouble sitting still
- Is rambunctious in inappropriate settings
- Difficulty staying quiet or playing alone
- Extremely talkative
3. Impulsive behavior
- Has difficulty waiting their turn
- Interrupts others constantly
- Acts without thinking
- Easily distracted
ADHD can encompass all 3 groupings—inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior in some children—while other children might demonstrate only one or two of the behavioral groupings.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) trouble arises when children are incorrectly slapped with an ADHD label or undiagnosed altogether. Before an ADHD diagnosis is made, the child should be evaluated by a doctor for the following:
- Children have displayed a minimum of 6 inattentiveness symptoms or 6 hyperactivity/impulsive behavior symptoms for the past 6 months
- Symptoms should not be caused by another issue—for example, dyslexia, depression, abuse, etc.
- Symptoms are causing difficulties for the child in various settings, for example at home, daycare, school, in social situations, etc.
A doctor’s ADHD diagnosis will be supported by parent and teacher questionnaires, a psychological evaluation of the child and his or her family as well as a thorough examination of the child’s diet and developmental health.
Treating ADHD
Treating a child with ADHD must be a partnership between the child’s doctor, family and school. Every ADHD therapy plan is different, but it might include a combination of prescription medication and behavior therapy as well as natural remedies for ADHD.
Common ADHD prescription medications include:
Strattera: This non-stimulant drug has a few common side effects—such as excessive sleepiness, appetite loss or problems going to sleep at night. For this reason, Strattera should either be taken in the evening (for sleepy children) or parents can split the dose, giving half in the morning and half in the evening to ward off insomnia.
Concerta: This long acting form of Ritalin lasts for up to 12-hours, however many parents complain that it doesn’t work very well in the morning hours. To remedy this, doctors suggest giving half the dose in the morning and the other half later in the day
Adderall XR: The major complaint with this 12 hour-acting ADHD medication is that it wears off too soon before bedtime. Other side effects include weight loss, and aggressiveness and moodiness. Again, splitting the dosage may be a remedy.
The likelihood of your child experiencing side effects from ADHD medication is very high. This is why regular check-ups with their doctor are vital to ensure to monitor the results, adjust the dosage and side effects of the medication. Side effects are also the reason why many parents decide to opt for all-natural ADHD treatments or combine them with behavioral therapy and medication.
Common ADHD alternative therapies include:
Change in diet: Although there is no evidence that cutting sugar and food additives out of your child’s diet will help the symptoms of ADHD, many parents choose to do so as a more natural diet may help general concentration and ease headaches.
Vitamins: Many troubles with behavior stem from a vitamin or mineral deficiency. Supplementing with iron, magnesium or zinc may help by consult with your child’s doctor first.
Essential fatty acids: They are called “smart drugs” for a reason—essential fatty acids found in fish oil and primrose oil have been known to increase concentration.
Guest post written by Bernice G. Spradlin